
Contact : Glasgow School of Art

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Intro) Listen to Muriel Gray lie
1) Muriel Gray's High Court claim 17 Dec 09 against Geoff Widders
2) Proof of the date of Geoff Widders novel
3) Muriel Gray lied to the audience
4) Costs and Gillian Cross


5) The Ancient 2000 does not exist


6) Deception Exposed


7) "A tomorrow's chip wrapper affair "


8) Muriel Gray "one of the most insulting things"


9) "best investigative journalism in the field today "


10) Support for a lie?


11) GW Book


12) Muriel Gray's "homage"(s)


13) FantasyCon 2012




Intro) Summary of LEGAL SECTION
A) Letter to Lord Woolf


B) "Suffer any wrong that can be done you rather than come here"


C) Appendix 2 : Declaratory Judgment


D) Appendix 3 : Law Commission


E) Mr Justice Roth's reply. GW comments


Fi) Two Complaints to Ms Judy Anckorn, "Office for Judicial Complaints" (OJC)


Fii) Complaint to Sir John Brigstocke, "Judicial Ombudsman"


Fiii) Letter to both Ms Anckorn (OJC), and Sir John Brigstocke


G) Complaint to the "Solicitor's Regulation Authority "


H) Nichola Evans of Browne Jacobson fabricated costs


I) Chancery Division


J) Report of the Lord Neuberger Committee


K) Letter of Intent


Muriel Gray

Geoff Widders


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Flight of the Shaman [pdf]




"So obviously he was a nutter."

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Adam, Abdi (Illustrator/ Visual Development Artist)
Boxdoginc (Illustation, Design)
Abbott, Daisy (Research Developer at GSA)
Achard, Margaux (Development Officer at GSA)
Anderson, Prof Paul (Director of Digital Design Studio at GSA)
Armadilojam (Web design)
Baldwin, Sam (Graphic Designer and front-end developer)
Beher, Sabrina (uber design)
Bichan, Louise (Visual Comm)
Bird, Dr Nicky (PhD Coordinator (Fine Art, Design and Forum for Critical Enquiry at GSA)
Birrell, Dr Ross (Forum for Criticual Enquiry at GSA)
Black, Niki (Graphic Design)
Bow, Michael (Visual Communications)
Brendan Bennett (Music Video)
Breslin, Ronan (Lecturer at GSA)
Brian Cairns (Brian Cairns Studio is a is a multi-disciplinary studio) and part-time at GSA
Brind, Sue (Exhibitions at GSA)
Britt, Helena (Lecturer, Undergraduate Pathway Coordinator, Subject Leader at GSA)
Brown, Oona (Illustrator and Designer)
Brownrigg, Jenny (GSA Exhibitions Director)
Bruce, Dr Peter (Research Superviser, Forum for Critical Inquiry at GSA)
Calikes, Alana [HR Assistant at GSA]
Cameron, Shona (Photographer)
Carmichael, Gordon (Senior Designer at Realise)
Carter, Justin (Lecturer at GSA)
Chapman, Dr Paul M (Deputy Director, Digital Design Studio at GSA)
China (GSA in)
Christine Akernohan (Photography)
Claire Maxwell (Photography)
Complaints @ GSA
Cooper, Prof Thoman Joshua (Head of Department, Fine Art Photography at GSA)
Costigan, Kate (Visual Comm)
Coyle, Lesley (Head of HR at GSA)
Crawshaw, Felicity (Photography)
Dixon, Brian (Innovation Designer at GSA)
Docherty, Catherine (Programme Director, Design Innovation at GSA)
Dyer, Sophie (Communication Graphic Designer)
Eureka (Posters)
Fishlock, Sarah Amy (Artist in Residence Citizens Theatre, Glasgow)
Fogg, Kara (MFA Administrative Officer/International Officer)
Franki&Jonny (Creative / Technical)
Freer, David (External Creative Consultant at GSA)
Frew, David at GSA
Friends of GSA
Gabriella Marcella (Risograph print and design studio)
Gay, Jules (Designer – moving image and sound)
Goldsmith, William B (Illustrator and Graphic Novelist at GSA)
Gonzalez, Laura (Academic Coordinatior [PGR])
Gonzalez, Laura (Academic Coordinatior[PGR])
Goodwin, Franki (Creative Director and Digital Strategist)
Greig, James (Digital Designer / AVDisco)
Hall, Jonathan (Dead Leaves)
Hamilton, Rory (Design)
Hamilton, Walter (Design Projects)
Harding, Emily (Illustrator)
Hay, Frazer Macdonald (Progragmme Director GSA Singapore)
Heaney, Christopher (Photographer)
Hollands, Kate (Alumni and Events Manager at GSA)
Horn, Alan [Director of Development at GSA]
Houlston, Emma (Design)
Houston, James (Video)
Hush, Dr Gordon (Head of Product Design, Design Innovation Programme Leader at GSA)
Isodesign (Projects, AV, etc)
Isodesign (Video, Websites, installations, etc)
Ivor Williams (Amerang, Producing books & printed material, identities and digital media)
Jame Edwin Bettney (Photography)
Jeffrey, Dr Stuart (Research Fellow, DDS at GSA)
Jones, Sarah Bethan (Communication Design at GSA)
Leong, Huey Miin (Lecturer in Interior Design at GSA Singapore)
Lim, Sharn (Lecturer in Interior Design at GSA)
Lindsay, Gareth
Lockwood, Joe (Deputy Director of the Institute of Design Innovation)
Loudon, David (Research Fellow, School of Design at GSA)
Louise Duffy (Graphic Designer)
Lowenfiled. Mary Moore (Illustration and Design)
Lowndes, Sarah (Lecturer at GSA)
LU Sisu
Ma, Prof Minhua Eunice (Head of Academic Programmes, DDS at GSA)
Macdonald, Alastair [Senior Researcher in the School of Design at GSA]
Malcolm, Lizzie
Mann, Joseph (Video director)
Marshall, Lynsey
Martin C (Lecture and Screening)
Maver, Prof Tom (Research Professor, Maackintosh School of Architecture; Emeritus Prof...)
McAra -McWilliam, Prof Irene (Head of School of Design at GSA)
McGraw, Mick (Lecturer in Charge of Printmaking at GSA)
McGrotty, Paul (Design)
McGuire, N (at GSA)
McHattie, Dr Lynn-Sayers (Research Fellow at GSA)
McKee, Francis (Research Fellow at GSA)
McKenzie, Ray (Reserch Fellow, FoCI)
Menon, Rosalie (Lecturer, Architectural Technology at GSA
Milligan, Nick (Photography)
Mitchell, William (Product Design Engineering, co-founder of 4C) and at GSA
Morgan, Chris (Researcher MEARU at GSA)
Musau, Filbert (Lecturer, Architectural Technology at GSA)
Neil, Dr Ken (Acting Head of Research at GSA)
New Media Scotland ( national media development)
Newton, Walter (Pictures Animation)
Nichols, Paula Centre Manager, Institute of Design Innovation :: Highlands and Islands
Nomad RDC (Design and Innovation Consultants)
Olivia Darlington (Tau Siroko, illustrator, textile maker and set desginer)
One Shoop (Print Design)
Pannifer, Dean (Graphic Dsigner)
Park, Andrew (Information Designer and Vector Illustrator
Pickstone, Edwin (Illuminator at GSA) [website]
Pitt, Oliver (Record Packaging, Posters, Miscellaneous),
Platt, Prof Christopher Joseph (Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture at GSA)
Porteous, Prof Colin (Senior Researcher at GSA)
Press at GSA
Proctor, Dr Robert (Lecturer, History of Architecture, Mackintosh School of Architecture; PhD Coordinator at GSA)
Punton, Lesley (Lecturer in Fine Art Photography
Redmond, Maeve
Reid, Iain (Innovation Designer and Lecturer at GSA)
Reid, Nora (Illustrator / Printmaker / Designer)
Roan, Susan
Roberson, Dr Frances (Lecturer, Forum for Critical Inquiry)
Robertson, Emily (Illustrator, co-founder PLATS)
Robinson, Megan (Portrait photography)
Rodger, Johnny (Reader in Urban Literature at GSA)
Rosie, Alida (Visual Designer and Artist)
Ruth Lillian Foulis (student at GSA)
Saxton Bampfylde
Sharpe, Dr Tim Reader in Environmental Architecture; Director, (MEARU)
Shaw, Jamie Allan (Multidisciplinary design and photography)
Shearer, Donald (Research Fellow at GSA)
Sinclair, Ross (Lecturier at GSA)
Smart, Iain (Photographic Images)
Smith, Dr Sarah Joint Acting Head of Department, FoCI at GSA)
Smith, SL at GSA
Smyth, Scott (Graphics, Illustration and Motion)
Stella Wan (design)
Stewart, Sally (Deputy Head, Mackintosh School of Architecture at GSA)
Straus, Annie Rickard (Illustration, Design, Lettering)
Sweeney, David (Lecturer, Forum for Critical Inquiry at GSA)
Taylor, Andrea [Researcher at the Instititute of Design Innovation at GSA]
The Lighthouse (Exhibitions Workshops Glasgow)
Timoney, Denise (HR Officer at GSA)
Tours at GSA
Urban, Prof Florian (Head of Architectural History and Urban Studies at GSA)
Zhu, Dawn


Governors at GSA

[apart from one governor the Governors were not sent the mailing of 11 June 2013]




















My undertaking

If there is anything that I have stated on this site that is not correct; if Muriel Gray, Harper Collins, Browne Jacobson, or any person(s) mentioned in these pages, contacts me and provides the evidence or counter argument to show that I am not correct, or...

if there is anything that I have stated that anybody believes misrepresents them in any way, if they provide me with their arguments...

then, if necessary, I will consider removing the material, and/or publish a correction, and/or apologise.

If I do not hear anything (nobody has complained to me since I set up this site in March 2010) then I can only assume the accuracy of everything on this site, and that nobody has been misrepresented in any way.

G Widders